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Best Devices To Help You Stop Snoring

It’s cute to hear babies and kids snore. We believe that when they snore at night, it’s because they had so much fun during that day. Most often, snoring is seen as a result of a very tiring and stressful day. But this is just a part of the story. Snoring tells a lot more than that. Snoring occurs when the air is not able to pass through the airway as we breathe in and out when we sleep. We treat snoring as normal, however, in severe cases, it can be a symptom of a chronic problem or a sleep disorder. Hence, it is important that you keep track of your snoring problem and consult the doctor if you also experience bothersome snoring, gasping, choking, and daytime drowsiness. Snoring is most common in adults, especially men, and obese people. If you are someone who snores at night and are looking for the best devices to help you stop snoring, then you’ve come to the right place. Let’s dive in!

5 Different Types of Anti-Snoring Devices

Before we go on to the best devices to help you stop snoring, let’s first discuss the several options that you have. The most well-known anti-snoring device are the mouthpieces, however, there are other devices you can choose to purchase if you’re quite not comfortable with wearing something on your mouth while you’re sleeping. It also depends on the severity of your snoring problem. Here are the five different types of anti-snoring devices that you can choose from.

1. Mouthpieces

Mouthpieces are effective for people who not only snore but grind their teeth while they sleep. You know very well that it’s also irritating to hear someone grinding their teeth, especially when they’re so close to you. However, there are downsides to using mouthpieces. The device can cause drooling and dry mouth.

2. Chin Straps

Other mouthpiece users also use chin straps to secure the mouthpiece in place. Chin straps were not originally made for stopping snoring but for those who have just undergone facial surgery. But chin straps are also very effective in stopping snoring especially for those who snore through their mouth.

3. Nasal Strips

Nasal strips are like bandaids you put on the bridge of your nose. This is for those having difficulties breathing through their nose. Nasal strips will let you breathe easily and quietly thus reducing snoring. This product is very easy to use and very comfortable to wear. However, you may want to use other products if you breathe through your mouth.

4. Pillows

Sometimes snoring is a result of a wrong sleeping position. A correct sleeping position is one that doesn’t block your airway so you can breathe freely. There are pillows made specifically for stopping snoring. They are designed in such a way that you maintain the correct sleeping position while you sleep.

5. Pills, Drops, Sprays

If the cause of your snoring is some sinus problem like allergies, the most effective anti-snoring device to use are pills, drops, and sprays. These products decrease mucus production so that you can breathe much easier. Pills, spray, and drops are only short-term snoring solutions. If you need a long-term snoring solution, these products are not recommended.

Best Anti-Snoring Devices

The best anti-snoring device is one that is comfortable to wear, effective, matches your budget, and easy to find. There are lots of products you can choose from on the market. Which one should you choose? Here are the best anti-snoring devices you can choose from.

1. VitalSleep Mouthpiece

This mouthpiece from VitalSleep is a popular one. It is well-known for being so effective in stopping snoring. VitalSleep mouthpiece will set your jaw and tongue in a correct position for optimal breathing. Specifically, it brings your lower jaw forward to prevent airway blockage that causes snoring. The product is a plastic mouthpiece that is also reusable. You can clean the mouthpiece with a toothbrush and toothpaste after wearing it. The mouthpiece is also adjustable. You can easily adjust the mouthpiece to be comfortable while wearing it.

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2. SnoreRX Mouthpiece

This device is the best for those who breathe through their mouth and those having sinus problems. It is really difficult to sleep with a sinus problem, especially for those who breathe through their nose. Thus, snoring becomes another problem. This mouthpiece is FDA approved and certified by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine. This only means that the company is reputable and worth your trust. The mouthpiece features Posi-Lock and calibrator for jaw adjustment so that you are comfortable wearing it. Expect some drooling as you get used to the product.

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3. Good Morning Snore Solution

The Good Morning snore solution is the best device for those who tend to grind their teeth while they sleep. Snoring combined with grinding is very bothersome not only to you but to those who sleep beside you. The product is also recommended for those who also use dentures. It doesn’t cause jaw soreness so you are comfortable while sleeping and feel good when you wake up. It’s also easy to clean and use. If you are someone who breathes through their mouth, this product is not recommended for it does not allow mouth breathing.

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4. ZQuiet Mouthpiece

What’s unique about the ZQuiet mouthpiece is that it can let you speak while wearing it or just freely move your mouth. The product is BPA and latex-free. It is also made from only medical-grade materials so no irritation will occur during and after using it. Drooling is a common problem among mouthpieces. However, this is not a problem with ZQuiet Mouthpiece because you won’t experience that much drooling as compared with other products.

Check the price HERE (

5. Evsfoex Chin Strap

The Evsfoex chin strap is easy to find. You can even purchase the product from Amazon and other online stores. For those who feel uncomfortable wearing a mouthpiece, chin straps offer another best alternative. They are also comfortable to wear making you sleep peacefully and undistracted. This product is breathable, washable, and adjustable. The chin strap will keep your mouth close so you don’t snore in your sleep. It’s made from flexible fabric that you can easily adjust and won’t irritate your sensitive skin.

Check the price HERE (

Final Thoughts

Snoring is a problem. It may not seem like it to you but to those people around you, it is very bothersome. Snoring should not be left untreated because it might be a sign of serious health problems. Consult a professional and if he or she instructed you to just purchase an anti-snoring device because your snoring problem is not a symptom of some serious health problem, choose one that is high quality yet affordable. Hope the list we provided gave you ideas as to what anti-snoring products are currently available on the market and hope it helped you decide which one is a perfect match for you.